LONG BEACH, Calif., November 2, 2020 (Newswire.com) - Belal Hamideh, a worker's comp lawyer in Long Beach, concludes that Prop 22 has scarcely any protections. California voters can vote on Prop 22 until election day, November 3rd, 2020.
Should California Proposition 22 pass, then "app-based transportation and delivery drivers (such as those who drive for Uber, Lyft, Postmates, and the like) would be classified as 'independent contractors' and not "employees." Additionally, "independent contractors (would not be) covered by various state employment laws - including minimum wage, overtime, unemployment insurance, and workers' compensation."
In regards to insurance, Prop 22 would "require companies to provide or make occupational accident insurance to cover at least $1 million in medical expenses and lost income resulting from injuries suffered while a driver was online." Furthermore, Prop 22 would "require the occupational accident insurance to provide disability payments of 66% of a driver's weekly earnings during the previous four weeks before the injuries suffered." These requirements constitute many of Belal Hamideh's concerns.
"The truth is that the occupational accident insurance requirements in Prop 22 don't measure up to what's already provided under the worker's compensation laws in California. The one million dollar limit is far too limiting. Actual California workers' comp laws don't have dollar limits. That can be a serious concern should a worker suffer permanent disability in the course of doing their job. Or, alternatively, if they incur medical bills of more than one million dollars. Prop 22 doesn't seem to offer much of anything in terms of vocational training should one of these independent contractors suffer an injury that makes it impossible to return to their jobs. California's workers compensation laws, while not perfect, are dramatically better than Prop 22," said Belal Hamideh.
A personal injury and workers compensation attorney in Long Beach, Belal Hamideh has continued working for his clients throughout the pandemic.
For more information about Prop 22, workers' comp laws, or to make a press inquiry, contact Belal Hamideh Law at 111 W Ocean Blvd #424 Long Beach, CA 90802 (562) 526-1224 https://belalhamidehlaw.com
Source: Belal Hamideh