LONG BEACH, Calif., January 4, 2021 (Newswire.com) - Belal Hamideh, a workers compensation, personal injury, and car accident attorney in Long Beach, implores drivers to drive as safely as possible. This comes in light of how the total number of United States car accident fatalities fell in 2020, yet the fatality rate actually increased.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, fewer people in the United States died of motor vehicle accidents in 2020 when compared to 2019. They decreased by roughly two percent, with over three hundred fewer fatalities. Unfortunately, the NHTSA also found that more people died on average in 2020 as opposed to 2019.
Using the measurement "VMT" (an abbreviation of "Vehicles Miles Traveled") the NHTSA found that the fatality rate for motor vehicle accidents climbed .19 percent per 100 million VMT. Possible theories for this include more people driving recklessly, less seatbelt use, increases in people driving under the influence, less traffic and thus increased speeding, and many more.
"2020 has been the hardest year that many people have ever faced. It's affected everyone in some way. With fewer people out on the road at all times of the year, it may be tempting to drive just a bit faster than you would otherwise, or to have that one drink before you head out on the road. These ideas are just as bad as they would be without a pandemic. If there's one lesson to take from the year of 2020, it's that we really are all in this together. By driving as safely as possible, we not only help keep others safe, we keep ourselves as well as those we love safe, too. Hopefully, 2021 will be a safer year. One way to ensure that is for all of us to drive as safely as we can," said Belal Hamideh.
Belal Hamideh Law, in addition to personal injury, also handles many Long Beach workers' comp cases as well. The firm has provided uninterrupted service to clients throughout the pandemic.
For more information about personal injury, vehicle accident claims, or to make a press inquiry, call (562) 526-1224 https://belalhamidehlaw.com
Source: Belal Hamideh